Be A Producer Not A Consumer
Posted on May 18, 2014 by Mike Nuttall
One pearl of wisdom I hear quoted quite a lot is: "Be a producer not a consumer".
I think the idea is: if you make the effort to produce things you are being of more value to society, and the time you spend producing you can't be consuming, which is better for you. And so this should bring you more success.
Starting this blog has certainly turned me into more of a producer. What I am producing might be questionable, admittedly, but there is a time commitment, and I am trying to find that time by cutting back on more wasteful activities.
And I think the advice is often quoted with direct reference to activity on the web. Producing is more likely to achieve benefits than just consuming stuff.
Time-sheet of a web site designer
What kept me awake today:
10 hours 36 minutes | Using the wonderful Bash shell for scripting with sed and awk to manipulate data, ah the power of linux |
1 hour 46 minutes | Graphics work and blogging |
30 minutes | Researching Twitter's API |
7 minutes | |
5 minutes | Hootsuite and it's friends |
Total: 13 hours 1 minute
Unix/Linux is just brilliant! What can I say, how it works makes sense, everything is there in a file if you want to find out about it.
Exercise: zilch
Tomorrow: Start wrapping up my latest project and start thinking about the next. And go through that big pile of stuff in my inbox that I've been meaning to do for the last 5 days!