MODX Articles - Articles

MODX is a free open source content management system. I use MODX because I think it is the best CMS for building websites. It gives you creative freedom but also allows you to build powerful secure web applications.

These articles are to help and remind me how to do certain things, and I hope other MODX users will also find them useful too.

My cheat sheets and reminders for working with MODX

How To Create A Blog Using MODX In MODX Cloud - Video Tutorial

A video tutorial that shows you how to set up a blog with the content management system MODX on MODX's own hosting system MODX Cloud.

How To Add Previous And Next Buttons To Individual Posts In MODX's Articles

Just want 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons on your individual blog posts and having trouble trying to work out how to do this with getPage and getResources? Well this post might help. I do it by writing a snippet from the ground up.

How to add code in a MODX Articles blog post

Sometimes you want to share code in your blog articles but you can't just cut and paste it because it won't look right, so how do you do it?

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