Day 3 Of The 100 Blog Posts In 100 Days Challenge
Posted on May 04, 2014 by Mike Nuttall
Behind schedule
Day 3. And I'm behind schedule, two days behind in fact ( I am actually writing this on Day 5). Not a good start.
Why am I so far behind already?
Well initially I committed to starting before I had anything set up.
I decided to do the challenge in a separate blog from my regular blog but on the same website. So I have a link Blog which is my regular blog which is aimed at my target customers: small business owners in Leeds.
And I wanted to have this challenge as a Journal so that it didn't get mixed up with my more thoughtful content. I wanted the leeway to waffle a bit and talk about personal stuff as I was going to be adding to it every day and not all would be relevant in the more business oriented Blog
So I had to spend some time setting up the new blog, which is pretty straight forward with MODX, but still took about an hour. Then on top of that I had an emergency I had to deal with relating the email services of a certain Microsoft, but more of that in tomorrows post. All this plus life, and not yet having a routine slowed me down.
All of this has made me make some decisions about the challenge:
Three blogging resolutions
1. I need a routine. I think that I will make writing the journal an evening routine so I can reflect over the day and put down my thoughts while they are still fresh. I am actually a morning person so I need to devote my mornings to real work for real paying customers.
2. Done is the new perfect. For me this is an experiment primarily to see how adding regular content to my site is going to effect my rankings. I am not going to obsess about quality and dotting every i and crossing every t. I heard done is the new perfect the other day and though that is probably the right approach for this challenge.
3. Use social media. It is probably a good idea to try and utilise social media. So each post should get tweeted and a link put on the Facebook page. That will do to start.
Also, though it isn't strictly in the spirit of a journal, if I get time to write an entry ahead of time that might give me some days off, which would be nice. If the subject is unrelated to the events of the day and is just some musings on a particular subject, I think that will be acceptable.